Gross Income (Including In-kind Social Transfers) Per CapitaProsperity
Household Debt as a Share of Disposable IncomeProsperity
GDP Per CapitaProsperity
Gross Debt-to-GDP RatioProsperity
Labour ProductivityProsperity
Capital InvestmentProsperity
Entrepreneurial ActivityProsperity
Social Economy To be documentedEmployment
Unemployment Rate for 25–54-years-oldEmployment
Employment Rate of 25-to-54-years-oldEmployment
Labour UnderutilizationEmployment
Job QualityEmployment
Temporary Employment of 25 to 54-years-oldEmployment
Involuntary Part-Time WorkTalent and Skills
Proportion of the Population Aged 25 and Over Having at Least a High School DiplomaTalent and Skills
Youth Aged 15 to 24 Neither in Education, Employment or TrainingTalent and Skills
Student Skills, Based on the PISA ScoreTalent and Skills
Adult skills, based on the PIAAC scoreInnovation
Public and Private R&D ExpendituresInnovation
Social Entrepreneurship Index To be documented