Recovered Waste Materials

Recovered Waste Materials

In Quebec, Ontario, and Canada, the quantity of recovered waste remained relatively stable between 2018 and 2020. However, Quebec outperforms the other two jurisdictions studied.


Statistics Canada. Table 38-10-0138-01

Statistics Canada. Table 17-01-0005-01

Methodological note

  • Change in variable since the previous update: from tons to tons per person.

  • Source updated since the previous update: addition of a Statistics Canada table showing population.

In order to compare Québec's performance with that of other provinces, Statistics Canada has made certain methodology decisions that effectively exclude some diverted Québec materials. RECYC-QUÉBEC data, published in its Bilan 2018 de la gestion des matières résiduelles au Québec (in French only), is more detailed and more representative of actual recycling efforts in the province.